Wednesday, June 23, 2021

An acrobatic archer at the 2016 World Nomad Games held in Kyrgyzstan. That country was within the Greek sphere of influence after the conquests of Alexander the Great. An echo through the ages?

First image shows an Ancient Greek Pelike depicting a woman acrobat shooting an arrow with her feet. The artifact dates back to the 4th Century BC.



  1. Imagine living in a culture which still celebrated what your ancestors did 4,000 years ago

  2. Contests aside, was this a real combat activity? I can see where it would be visually disconcerting the first time you'd see this. Might look for all the world like a bodyless creature. Very frightening - once.

    I read that when Spanish conquistadors road up over a crest overlooking an Aztec village, the people having never seen a horse thought they were being invaded by creatures that were men's bodies on a large and unknown beast. We'd say a centaur but they had no concept. The battle was over quickly.

  3. Pretty gosh darn impressive if you ask me. I was never worth a spit in archery. Thank god guns were invented

  4. And she is aiming and shooting while on stilts, too. But can she cook?

  5. I have an American friend who moved there a couple years ago. Wife from there. I told him recently save a space for me getting to crazy around here. Beautiful country from what I have read and he has told me in pictures.

  6. ....and the purpose of that style of archery was........???????????????

    1. Think of the power of the bow you could draw with leg muscles over the arm muscles.
