Saturday, March 13, 2021

Serious Deere



  1. I wouldn't complain much at all if they delivered one of them deeres here to the compound. Give me a valid excuse to add a wing to the workshop. Can't let that purty deere sit out in the rain now can I?

  2. My grand son's idea of heaven.

  3. That's a lot of rental rigs.

  4. see the loads of green all the time on Rt70 heading to Baltimore, in turn they pick up New Hollands and drive them west.

  5. Unfortunately John Deere has gone into the "screw you" business over the last number of years. Farmers can't work on their own tractors without the tractor screaming to the factory that something has been touched by an "unauthorized person". Farmers, who are sometimes hundreds of miles from "authorized service dealers", are completely screwed. Look it up. It ain't yer grandpa's Deere.
