Friday, March 5, 2021

Interesting tidbit of info for California

 Ordered a pizza to pick up on the way home from work.  Mrs. CW requested I pick up some beer as well, so I swung by a local brewery that has tables for folks to hang out.  

It was more or less full of people, and for the first time in a long time none of them -- none of them, even the staff -- were wearing masks.

Maybe the Covid hysteria is breaking....


  1. Unfortunately most here in Northern Illinois are still full tilt mask retards, many even double masking.

  2. No, the hysteria isn't over, but some of us just don't care anymore. Some don't specifically want to infect and kill everyone, but they just don't care...

    I'm one of them. I'm over 50 and have no wife or children, so if I get it and it kills me, well tough...I'll die.

  3. What general part of the former US are you in CW? Masks don't protect the uninfected under normal interactive contact, from what studies I've seen (correct me if I am mistaken). People infected but with no symptoms are not protecting others from infection using masks (same caution as before) so maybe peoplea re finally seeing the point of the masks.

  4. From day one I've said: "This will be over when WE say it's over."
    It's up to us.

  5. I agree with the assessments on uselessness and negativity of masks, but am still willing to wear one to be considerate of others. Our loss of being considerate is another brick lost in our civility. It is nice though when everyone else in the place enjoys freedom from the face trap together.

    1. Heh.

      Now if we could only get the tens of thousands streaming across the border to be considerate!

  6. Every single study has shown that masks are not effective. Maybe if you wear enough of them layered so that you can't breathe? The median age for death by plague is 85. I've had it. I'm immune. Why should I wear a mask.

    1. I had a little chat with the Doc this week whilst awaiting the annual finger probe. Pretty much what he told me. Among other things. Cutting to the chase, it exists, but, the overreaction is horse shit. It's hard to analyze the numbers, he said, when they're politically generated...….

  7. In this small Georgia no-mandate county, except for the corporate requirements, like Kroger, people are still wearing masks except: gun stores, tire stores and a fastener company with a sign on the door but no one inside wearing. The other day I went to pay my car insurance at a major national company.The office had no sign on the door and no masks inside. Corporate names redacted in case the home offices don't like it.
    Best I can tell, the current State of Emergency expires at the end of March. It's been being renewed monthly for the last couple of years. We can hope that that spineless POS governor of ours will let it lapse like others are doing.

  8. First Texas, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Iowa and recently Arizona Governor just dropped the mask mandate. What do they have in common? None of them are Liberal swamps.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. In this part of Texas, the local shops have mostly taken down the signs, even though Gov. Abbot's orders don't take effect until next week, and even though the county has not said a word yet. The local shops really don't care if you wear a mask or not (I always ask) although with the county's edicts in place, the workers have to. The bigger chain franchises are still working the corporate message though. So I keep a couple in the truck. If the corporate weenies keep it up after next week though, I'm going to go about making my mask look as completely disgusting and filthy as possible.

  11. A friend and I went to Huntingtons (gun store) and RCBS (next door) in Oroville, CA last Wednesday. We went to RCBS first. Sign posted on the door said no entry. Two people in masks came to the door to help us. We figured Huntingtons would be the same, but when we walked in no one was wearing a mask. Just like the good old days.

    I figured it out later. We had noticed more employee vehicles around the perimeter of the RCBS 'block' than we had ever seen before. I think what the deal was is that they are in maximum production mode and are taking zero chances of any of their people getting the WuFlu and possibly slowing things down. I can't say as I blame them.

  12. And this just in, Border Patrol turns a bunch loose who immediately test positive in Brownsville:

    If doesn't give a sheet, why should we? Give me one good reason why.
