Friday, March 12, 2021

Heh, and that's a lot of missions.



  1. True of all of life -- you're only remembered for the cow.

    1. A man goes into a pub in a small town and, for whatever reason, gets introduced to the clientele. There’s Farmer Jack, Barman Jim, Maurice “Dancer” and Sheepshagger John. After a few pints, the visitor’s curiosity gets the better of him and he asks John what’s with the nickname.

      “See this pub?” asks John, “I built it, but they don’t call me Pubbuilder John? I’m the local doctor, I saved Barman Jim’s life once when he choked on a peanut, but they don’t call me Lifesaver John. Every year, I supply a huge Christmas tree for the village green, but the don’t call me Christmas Tree John.

      “But you shag one lousy sheep…”

  2. I'll bet he milks that
    Accident story for all it's worth
    But I'd
    Steak my life on it that he made burger meat outta the poor thing on purpose.

  3. This is udderly ridiculous. Y’all need to mooove on.

  4. Didn't steer clear of that one

  5. My ol' dad was an instructor pilot in T-33s way back when. He was leading a flight of students in strafing practice when his guns jammed. Seems guns on the T-33 could swivel so he pointed his down and did circles until the ammo expended.
    But, in the process he flew over a herd of sheep. Air Force bought a lot of lamb chops that day!

    I get the bomb images, even the cow, but what are the first two rows telling us?

  6. Webz says flying CAS in the sandbox troops doing body count found the cow.
