Saturday, March 13, 2021

A neighbor across an open space from my backyard now has a set of these up and lit. Between mine and his, the neighborhood now has a cheery nighttime look.



  1. What is it with people and their outside lights? I live on acreage in wooded ruralville. New neighbors moved in 2 years ago across the road and decided to install those solar lamps all around the 200' pond in their front yard. Now we get to "appreciate" those lamps every dam night all night long. Down the road another neighbor had the power company install a street lamp on a tall pole at the end of their driveway and I can see that thing all the time too. We moved here because we were fed up with suburbia assholes and it's looking like they are following us. Need to find a bigger boat.

    1. Irrefutable evidence that you have become a dyspeptic old man: the neighbor puts up twinkly lights in his yard and you consider it an insufferable outrage.


      First world problems.

    2. We all have our insufferable outrage line in the sand.
      Some find them sooner than others.

    3. So you’re saying you don’t have a pellet gun?

  2. This has become a fad in my neighborhood also.
    OK, if people are actually outside I can understand it, but 7*24?
    Don't forget, most of these people are the Save the Planet type, but apparently have no idea how electricity is generated: Fad is more important.

  3. We have these but they stay off unless we are out there or the wife is working on her art in the bay window looking out at the back garden and patio at night. Other than that - all outside lights off. We also have floodlights that point up across the front of the house that came with the place and the only purpose I can discern is to show off your house. Those stay off all the time but some of the neighbors leave them on all night. Toward what end I know not. There is very little traffic here at night and I've seen their houses in daylight. One of the many reasons I maintain a cordial but distant relationship with the neighbors. Their house lights may be bright but I'm not too sure the neighbors are. How they afford homes in this area is a deep and abiding mystery.
