Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Uncomfortable Truth - for a Greenie



  1. I agree with them ... Shut it down so they see how effective their ideas are. Let them go without power air conditioning and in some cases on well even water. Bet they change their mind real quick. I am on well and went 3 days without water.It sucks. Spoiled ass brats can only learn lessons the hard way. Although they will only blame Trump and not probably learn a damn thing. Mama should have busted that ass. Daddy probably wasn't around. That is Trumps fault too even though Biden was in office

  2. I'm no green goof, but I don't believe in nuclear, either. Besides the dangers of meltdowns, there's the waste to deal with.

    1. I hope you live there because they will get their wish.

    2. Perhaps we should ask the French to help us. They seem to have a pretty good handle on nuclear power and an impeccable safety record with their nuclear power plants.

      As for nuclear waste, we overthink it and Leftists, whose allegiance is not to this country, make it into a bogeyman. The high-level waste is minuscule in volume. And all the radioactive ores came out of the earth in the first place. Put them back where they came from. Bury them in a played-out silver mine in Nevada somewhere and the problem is solved and stays solved.

      The realistic alternatives are "green energy" schemes that mysteriously always require a government welfare check (if any of them actually worked, there would be investors parachuting from the skies, running to offer partnerships and suitcases full of gold bricks and hundred-dollar bills to the inventors--the fact that this never happens should clue us all in) and "fossil fuels" of which only finite quantities exist, which will only become scarcer in the future.

      Now, mind you, there are other ideas out there. The late Dr. Jerry Pournelle, science fiction author and NASA scientist, said back in the 1970s we could have built satellites in orbit with square miles of solar panels, using the full intensity of sunlight, 90% of which is blocked by the Earth's atmosphere for us down here on the ground. They could beam the power down as microwaves to antennas that convert it back into current with 85% efficiency and feed it into the grid--clean, with zero pollution. All of this was demonstrated to be possible with fifty-year-old off-the-shelf technology. It would cost a lot of money--but how many of them could we have built for what the Iraq war cost us? But our politicians all believe "space stuff" is a distraction from bread and circuses that buy votes and endless wars that keep the donations coming from defense contractors, so it's never going to get done, not by us, anyway. The Chinese might.

  3. Sorry to say CW but it's best 1 state trys this experiment then drag the entire country down, of course that's not how Leftism rolls but it's a thought.

  4. No Nuclear, gas or coal power generation? Brainwashed liberals living in a "California dream-bubble".

  5. Remind me to send a thank you note to Hollywood for their epic fart of a movie in The China Syndrome. /s

  6. Split, baby, split.
    Nuclear is the future.
    Once we get all the brightest minds, uncluttered by the cult of green, working on it, much of the waste problems will be solved.

    1. I remember having this discussion with a co-worker in the 1970s.

      The waste problems were solved in the 1960s. The only problem now is people that are afraid of it because they don't understand.

    2. Until nobody living has seen "The China Syndrome" nuclear will be icky and forbidden.

  7. There are much, MUCH newer nuclear plant designs that are nearly impossible to melt down. Pebble bed modular reactors are one such type.

  8. While I agree with the sentiment of this graphic, I think it's incorrect. I went to the CA ISO website. On 9/15, 2,246 MW was consistently provided by nuclear power throughout the day but more than that was provided by renewables at every point during the day. Go to the site and look for yourself. Let's not cause credibility problems for our position by using easily refuted incorrect facts.

    1. That sounds interesting. Can you provide the link for us, please?

    2. Renewables include hydro, not just wind and solar. I was a bit surprised at how high the peak was for solar at midday, but it's zilch at night, of course, and a lot less than peak for half the day. It's falling even before the hottest part of the day hits. That's a problem. But the meme is incorrect for the majority of daylight hours. I was surprised by how much power California imports.

  9. Use the link in the graphic, then select calendar pull down on the top right of the graph to go to the day:

    1. I see they've finally decided to categorize Biomass as renewable. The greens fought that as they figured that it contributed to climate change because of carbon emissions.
      This from the same bunch of clowns who never considered the fact that forest fires emit carbon into the atmosphere, or that same smoke's particulate matter into human lungs.

  10. Most of the existing nuclear plant designs are the equivalent of Model T's or Model K, now imagine that lawsuits and 'anti-combustion-engine' activists tried Ford up in lawsuits and drained the profits needed to continue development of the automobile.

    Imagine if the nuclear industry was producing the fifth, sixth generation equipment they could be making and installing. And if the government hadn't interfered with the industry early one to produce more weapons grade material.

  11. Well...If California was to wise up, they could mix the Nuclear Waste with Pube Lube and sell it in Hollywood.
