Monday, September 7, 2020

The amazing Gold Coast, Australia



  1. The nice thing about living by the coast is that you can see your death coming.

  2. Naturally, this place floods the streets twice a month during king tides in sunny weather, just like Miami beach, right? Because of sea level rise from putting fossil fuel carbon into the air? Every beach area of similar elevation and slope gets flooded by tides, all around the world, right? Right??

  3. It was much nicer before they built the high rises, but still some of the best beaches in the world. I caught a 90lb black marlin once trolling 400m from shore in front of the towers

  4. Sadly, Australia has turned into a Police State, with the excuse being the Chinese Virus.

    It's no longer even one country; the borders between states are closed, and people there cannot go from one state to another. This is causing a great deal of heartbreak, as many schoolchildren are in one state but can't return home, because home is in another state.

    None of this applies to celebrities, of course (spit!) They're free to come in without a 14-day quarantine, because Queensland wants their money; it's only the little people that suffer.
