Thursday, September 17, 2020

Chief John Gall aka Pizi (Leader in the battle of the Little Bighorn and Judge of Court of Indian Affairs) - Hunkpapa 1891



  1. He was a great war chief in his day. A great leader.

  2. Gall, like Crazy Horse, was not a chief but a war leader who earned his position by demonstrated ability. I don't remember who said it, but I remember the statement "Sitting Bull and Red Cloud make the big speeches...Gall and Crazy Horse plan the ambushes and lead the war parties."

  3. Same setup with Blackhawk.

  4. If native American's, Indian's, can accomplish a status like John Gall did, then that tells me that every person can achieve a their goals when they apply themselves to do so. We all suffer hardships and set backs, but we endeavor and press on. What a great country we live in.
