Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Your Good News of the Day: Trump continues to relentlessly transform the federal judiciary.

First of all, it's sad that it is indeed so important which political party appoints judges.  

But, that said, Trump is executing a long march through the courts, reducing or even eliminating progressive dominance.   Even the notoriously wrong Ninth Circuit is quite near to flipping to a conservative majority.  Amazing, but if Trump is re-elected even that reeking cesspool of "wokeness" might get cleaned up.

This alone would be reason enough to give the man four more years.


  1. It's so obvious. President Trump is not only promising to make Americans more self-reliant, independent and free of draconian regulations, he's delivering every day while all the Democrat contenders can only promise "free stuff". Anyone with half-a-brain knows that government handouts are followed by more governmental control.

    1. The best reason for re-electing President Trump. There is no doubt in my mind that electing a Democrat (any Democrat) will result in them pulling a Bill Clinton and demanding the resignation of every U.S. Attorney.
