Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Snowpocylpse begins

Redding isn't used to anything more than a dusting, but with the impending Ice Age on the way, we had better get used to it.

Maya the Cat is fearful, confused, but curious.  

The lanterns light the way for lost souls.

The cozy cabin, deep in the trackless forest - or maybe just a small town burb.

We'll see how much is left in the morning.

Update 5:55pm: I-5, the major North/South highway on the West Coast, closed just north of town, where it begins it's climb over the mountains up to Mount Shasta, and then North into the Siskiyous and Oregon.


  1. The ice age has begun. People just don't know it yet. When the sabertooth cats break down their front doors in search of a snack, maybe they'll realize that they only have 12 years left until the planet is a dirty snowball.

  2. I went thru there heading north about 2 yesterday afternoon heading north, it was snowing over the top & down into Medford. Not sticking but it was snow.
    Here in Medford it was snowing this morning and windy.

  3. South Dakota, hold my beer... only saving grace, no hills or mountains until ya get over by Rapid City.

  4. Between Shasta and Ashland on I-5 is no picnic during a snowstorm! Yikes. Glad they closed it down.

  5. Back in the early to mid 70's Redding had measurable snowfall at least once a year. My Nova High (circa 75-76) yearbook has a photo of at least 6 inches of snow piled up on a school picnic table. Of course, this was back when an ice age was imminent.
