Monday, November 25, 2019

A&W Root Beer, circa 1960s.


  1. I remember that as a little boy, but it dates me.

  2. Looks exactly like the one in Hollister CA still in operation.

    1. I'll bet they substituted frosty glass mugs for plastic mugs. If they do that, it's not the same.

    2. They don't have an indoor dining room, so yes everything is served in "to go" cups. My favorite is a root beer freeze.

  3. 1960's A&W's replaced by 2019s Popeyes. We've come a long way baby!

  4. $0.05 small, $0.10 large, & $0.25 quart root beer.

  5. On the way to Las Vegas when I was a kid, we'd always stop at the A&W in Barstow for root beer in big frosted mugs. Last stop before the desert, where we'd quench our thirst! No A/C in most cars back then.

  6. Omigawd, A&W Drive-Ins. Driving from Texas to Sand Diego, we stopped somewhere in Arizona for a root beer float and burger. After a morning on the road, that stop was a welcome respite from the road.

    Mom's Pontiac Tempest was holding up driving in the desert heat, but with no air conditioning (Its a Dry Heat !), pretty fearsome. I don't know how Dad drove for hours facing the sun, but he did, no complaints and turned down Mom when she offered to spell him.

  7. The first time I saw one of these was when I went to Purdue in 1966. There was one partway done the State St hill. Growing up in Boston, we had Friendly's and Howard Johnson and Granite State near New Hampshire. But I don't recall seeing any A&W's. We also had Moxie, Pilot Crackers, Narragansett... I don't remember when Dunkin' Donuts showed up. This year we got a DD here in north central Ohio.

    1. We had them south of Boston; Marshfield and Harwich were two that I spend a lot of dimes at.
      The Marshfield location on Route 139 was a drive-in with carhops; burgers and fries. I believe that was the first place I took a girl on my first date driving my own car.

  8. They still make the best fast food bacon cheeseburger

  9. How about the root beer floats? Lenoir City and Vonore TN

  10. Probably the first few restaurant meals I ever enjoyed was at the A&W in South St. Louis (on S Kingshighway) with my dad and next youngest brother circa 1958 - 1962. The building was very similar (heck, even the kid in the pic looks like my brother). Wonderful times.
