Monday, September 9, 2019

Your Good News of the Day: 6.2 Million Americans Drop off Food Stamps Under Trump — Saving the Country $9 Billion Annually

The most recent USDA data shows that 6,268,285 individuals discontinued their participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)— the program in charge of food stamps— since February 2017 when Trump finished his first month as president…
…Food stamp participation plummeted even further once President Trump took office, as 6.2 million individuals and 2.7 million households dropped out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) since his first full month in office.

As a taxpayer, I gotta like this. 


  1. He needs to go 1 further and by executive order declare ANYBODY on fed welfare isn't allowed a vote. If you don't contribute, you have no say in ANYTHING. Fuck parasites who sell their vote to the highest bidder.

  2. And if we'd drug test for ANY federal or State benefits or freebies we'd save even MORE cash.

    1. There's a blue-collar meme out there somewhere that says: "Shouldn't you have to pass a urine test to collect a welfare check, since I have to pass one to earn it for you?"

    2. Like button,... engaged. I say we also drug test ALL politicians. I mean the .GOV does it to their hourly employees, right? I'd argue it's even more critical to test those with the authority to abuse their positions and affect our rights.

  3. I’d be curious how many of those getting federal welfare would be willing to give up their right to vote for the duration that they’re receiving the welfare. Might be enough to turn around our current entitlement problem, and even if not - would reduce the count of those voting to enslave the rest of us. Of course, YMMV.

    1. Who gives a FUCK if they're "willing". I'm not "willing" to feed the worthless cocksuckers but I'm forced to anyway...

  4. Would be very interested to learn how much of the reduction was people who really graduated out of the program; and how much was due to the tightening up of fraud detection and the elimination of ghost claims.

    Not that this drop in claims even scratches the surface of the multi-billion dollar pyramid of scams that SNAP invites and then sustains. A significant fraction of which is US tax dollars that underpin inner-city organized criminal activity and immigrant gangs who have learned to exploit a system that seems tailor-made for exploitation.

    The latter includes both criminals and nationalists or religious zealots who funnel the loot out of the country.

    Where is is then used to finance illegal immigration; the drug trade; and jihad against the Great Satan; even as the Great Satan pays the bills.

  5. Fine, when can I expect my rebate check? I'm as kind and generous as most Americans but enough is enough! Illegal immigrant? Zero benefits. Citizen and having a little trouble making ends meet? OK, here's SIX MONTHS worth of benefits. After that, hope you got your sh*t together. That includes the professional "breeders" hoping to stay on the gravy train courtesy of their uterus.

  6. Because their benefits were denied, leaving them starving. Then a lot of them died.
