Thursday, September 5, 2019

Those orange cones were there for a reason. The insurance company ain't gonna pay for that.


  1. I wonder if Miley Cyrus drove that van and it inspired her song. It certainly didn't knock any sense into her.

  2. I wonder if the driver noticed that huge wrecking ball about to hit him? Maybe at the last moment?

  3. Wrecking balls don't have "do-no-wreck" built in programs. When unrestrained they go where ever they wish.

    PS: Stanley, I think Miley's idea of "balls" might differ from the big solid Iron kind. I think her song was dedicated to a Greek guy named "Testiclyes" who dumped her for a young Greek kid named Apollo.

  4. "In today's class we will talk about the laws of applied physics.

    Notice the conservation of energy as most of the energy in the wrecking ball is transferred to the minivan."

  5. There are pedestrians right there as well. This must have been an accident relating to preparing the crane for demolition work. I don't think there's any way it would have been swinging across a street, in any event. The demolition site appears to be in the opposite direction, on the far side of the street.

  6. NY Trasnsit bus. figures. dumbassery in NYC.
