Sunday, September 1, 2019

The only part remaining from a U.S. Air Force B-25 that crashed on the east side of Mount Timpanogos, Utah


  1. We took a long hike to see a crashed (crashed in the 50's as I recall) CIA SA-16 Albatross in the mountains just outside Death Valley NP. It was all still there on a steep hill side.

  2. My Mom was born and raised about 4 miles west of there, in American Fork.

  3. more than a few crashed aircraft in the yukon and northern alberta since WW2. quite a few bell p-39 and a smattering of p-63. numerous dc-3s. the deep woods in coastal british columbia has a fair share. more than a few wrecks on lake bottoms were landed on ice during winter. makes for interesting dives.

  4. My rear deck overlooks Mt. Timpanogas. I will search this out. Thanks.
