Saturday, September 7, 2019

Scorpionic Triumvirate


  1. Julie Roberts on the right.
    Girl on left, familiar, very familiar.

  2. Winona Ryder.

    Watch the mini series Stranger Things. You will like it. She stars in it. It's got 1980's rural Indiana, The famous Wander license plate. the original Uhaul advenrtures in moving. Russians. A hellgate under a mall...

    Its sort of the bastard child of Buffy the Vampire Killer and the X Files.

    You will love it.

  3. I know Jodie's part of the LGBTQ conglomerate. How about the other 2. Could the picture be a before the "sleep over" snapshot?

  4. I think Winona Ryder looks as good to me now, playing the 40-ish mom in "Stranger Things," as she ever did.
