Friday, September 13, 2019

Better then, or now?


  1. Does "now" even really qualify, or exist? Been there. Let your steed drink. Then your steed will take you on.

  2. Unless one is unhealthily healthy, now. Plus, even now, there's more 'room' for screwups and failures in one's life. 'Then' was life on the edge. Not a lot of room for failed crops, or diseased livestock, or even a predator in the hen house.

    Talking to my mom, even in Columbus, Ohio, during the War years, her well-to-do house had a huge garden and rabbits and chickens.

    Whereas my dad supplemented his family's food from what he could get from the swamps, fish, gator, birds, whatever.

    And both of them knew people who 'survived' the Depression as those times were far worse than the war years.

    Nowadays? Even a destitute person can still usually eat better now than people during the Great Depression.

    But... there's a simplicity to 'Then' that calls. I'd like to do 'Then' with 'Now's' stuff and backup. If I wasn't allergic to everything 'Then', of course.

  3. Don't forget, unintended circumstances resulted in then inadvertently leading to now.

  4. Then. Those two lads grew up to be real men.

  5. "Then" you had to work to live, to get ahead. "Now' all is given. "Then" please.

    My brother in law has an old single shot 12 gauge shotgun. That shotgun and a box of shells is how his father and uncles put meat on the table. their Mom would give them a shell, a single shell, and tell them to get dinner. if they missed, no meat.

    It is his most prized possession.
