Thursday, September 12, 2019

Almost, but no cigar


  1. My dog pulled that same move earlier this year. I was mowing lawn and had to tie the dog to avoid going to backyard because of our chicken tractor and the dog always trying to get inside it. Well, one of the chickens had escaped the tractor (still don't know how) and when I went to back with lawn mower, it panicked and ran through the gate towards the tied dog. If the dog had waited about a second later, it would have likely caught it but the chicken reversed itself and ran off. The dog pulled a 'Fog Horn Leghorn' dog flip (dog reaching the end of leash extension), but I swear the look in the dog's eyes as her body rotated said 'So Close !!' It was hilarious to tell the truth.

  2. I can hear the owner way over here, Damn dog HEEL!
    Well that's how I do it anyway.
