Friday, March 22, 2019

Trump's impromptu presser with the White House gaggle.

What's interesting here isn't necessarily what he says, but the larger picture.

1. Obama would never and never did anything like this.  He was famous for giving very few pressers, and using a teleprompter when he made a statement.
2. In contrast, Trump is doing this without an aide, teleprompter or notes.  He's totally confident he  can handle the press.
3. To that point, notice the body language - the confident striding back and forth, the pointing to control the braying, and how the microphones track him back and forth as he moves, like spectators at a tennis match watching the volley.
4. And when he's done with them, he just turns and walks away with a wave.  Total alpha, total silverback.  Presidential to the core.

I never thought this guy would be as good as he is - I've come around in my thinking.


  1. You and me, both. So nice to be pleasantly surprised for a change.

  2. My college-tasked daughter was to participate in a discussion board regarding the POTUS & Russian collusion. She was flabbergasted 1-never really heard about this 2-how can Russia cause/effect the election outcomes. She said he is affecting the economy and is trying to cooperate with N.K. I suggested she start there.

  3. He says exactly what he means. Offensive to the typical political Washington D.C. political hacks, but it's refreshing for us Deplorables. He's one in a Billion!

  4. I originally wanted Huckabee or Carson, but neither could have handled the situation like Trump is.

  5. President Trump is THE MAN.

  6. Far more refreshing than Obama and his "pimp strut", fake wave and cheesy salute to or from Marine 1 any day. Witness the critical thinking skills on display as opposed to his predecessor.

  7. Fuck Trump and everyone who thinks Trumps is "decent"
