Saturday, March 23, 2019

Needles, street chit, militant vagrants, and now this. Why live there?

Golden Gate Bridge hike approved. Get ready for $9 tolls.

FasTrak would increase to $8.75, Pay-As-You-Go to $9 and invoice billing to $9.75 over the five-year period.

45 bucks a week, or 2,250 bucks a year, assuming two weeks of vacation, just to cross the bridge.  Paid in post tax dollars in a high tax state.

Worth it?


  1. SF. They use to say: It's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live here. Now they don't even want to visit.

  2. If it was up to me I wouldn't let another commie leave the state.

    1. Indeed. When I was in the State Reserve there, we lived in the northern part (towards Redding). We would run disaster prep exercises from time to time with various scenarios, one of which simulated a major earthquake along the coast. At the start of this exercise, I was asked what I thought were the most important first tasks to be done. I half-jokingly replied "Blow the F'n bridges".

  3. Once upon a time it was a quarter in each direction.

    1. I crossed it several times in the early 70s(on my Norton 850) and for the life of me I don't remember paying a toll

  4. The last of the construction bonds were paid off in 1971. Funny how they do this without a mask and a gun......
