Friday, March 8, 2019

Happy International Women's Day to the Yazidi female fighters in Syria! They racked up impressive body counts and sent those morons to hell (Isis believes if killed by a woman they go straight to hell)


  1. I think that I need to send them some ammo dipped in pig guts or something.

  2. Now I know where we need to send all our transgender troops. ISIS will never figure it out, and their heads will explode.

  3. When I was working in Tunisia, we lived in a staff house and used to bring all of our videos with us (month on, month off work schedule, before satellite TV). Anytime we brought in new videos, the Tunisian customs agents would seize them, on the premise that they 'might' be pornography (really, they were just corrupt and were either selling them or taking them home). So we took to adding a layer of bacon packages over the videos in our suitcases. It paid to use bacon packages with a cartoon picture of a Happy Pig, or some such simple image to communicate PORK without any doubt. This would be strictly hands off, the agents wouldn't touch anything in the suitcase, and we would get our new videos through. And if we packed it frozen, it will still be OK to eat.

  4. Those "fighters", are spotless in brand new uniforms, web gear and boots. Hair is "washed this morning" clean with light make up. They have really nice unfired new AKM rifles too. LOOK AT THERE EYES. They have never been on the line in there entire lives. Body count? BULL SHIT! Propaganda count. I mean COME ON. The boots are spotless. There nails are clean and at least in the case of # 3 seated she has just had them done by a pro. I was 11B back in the day and I can testify that after the first day in the field you are filthy. After a week in combat your equipment is chewed up like you have a new puppy and your boots look like shit. YOU look and smell like you just crawled out of a hole in the ground. NOT like you are getting ready for a photo shoot. Those chicks have never killed anybody. The eyes are the tell. ---Ray

  5. Being old-fashioned, I'm always sorry to see young women on the front lines. Any society who values their women so little isn't much worth preserving, IMO.

  6. ISIS was killing their husbands, raping the Yazidi women and selling them as sex slaves. The first female brigade was formed from such women. Not sure about the women in the picture, but the body count was not bullshit.

  7. Mr Alexander. Do you work for the CIA? The woman in the for front has on make up. She has had her eye brows plucked by a professional, probably the same one who did her make up for that photo op. The story of those innocent girls being hard veteran fighters is 100% bullshit. Show me the stack of enemy dead, with the filthy stinking women ,with a 1000 yard stares and well used AK staking them, and I will at least give this ridiculous propaganda the benefit of the doubt. But the photo above is 100% propaganda. So as far as I am concerned they need to prove the story too.---Ray
