Saturday, March 23, 2019

Avast there on the fo'csle, matey!

Ye olde pirate flags


  1. One of my fave rave pubs is the Maritime Pacific brewpub in the Ballard area (known as the Ballard Brewing District because of the dozen of so breweries there) of Seattle. The theme is PIRATES! They throw a great Halloween to-do, and the owner, George, dons a very astonishing pirate outfit. In fact, I often go there on Sundays after shopping the Ballard Farmer's Market and other stores and shops. George usually sees me and says, "Huh, must be Sunday." Bit of a curmudgeon, that George.

  2. I think we've mentioned this before, but Teach became the most famous pirate i history, and he took 43, maybe 46 ships. And he was merciful! If a ship heaved to, he'd take their guns, their navigation equipment and charts and loot and leave them be.
    Bartholomew Roberts took over 400 ships in his career! And when he dies, the golden age of piracy died with him...
