Monday, January 14, 2019

Welcome to your work week!


  1. Thanks, I needed that...I think.

  2. A clip from the pub scene from the 1950's movie "The Quiet Man"?

  3. this is a recurring theme in my life...

  4. which reminds me to note that Trump would be well off to record by multimedia any meeting with dem congress folk to assure a transparent and open administration. it seems to have worked well with the first meeting with peelosi and shumer and lacked the same level of coverage during the second. the feckless coverage by the media after the second meeting proves the press can't be trusted to present the facts to the people.
    I simply can't get out of my mind the "hang dog poosture" shumer had during the first meeting with President Trump. constipation is a bitch, ain't it?
