Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Smithsonian dead parrot collection


  1. That's a lot of ex-parrots. Didn't see any Norwegian Blues though....

  2. They're just resting.

  3. What da f ??

    First, I hope those are embalmed or something. Or else the stench would be over-whelming.

    Second, are my tax dollars paying to collect dead birds? Where's Trump, we need to have a chat.

    1. They are freeze dried. In fact I believe this was the main reason the freeze drying process was developed. Long term food storage became the dominant feature later.

  4. See any stool pigeons? If so it might be the Clinton Library collection.

  5. I was hoping to see at least one Python reference and I was not disappointed. Keep rockin' on!
    Beautiful plumage though.

    1. John Kleese is probably having a fit.
      hear the one about the talking parrot? used to belong to an old sailor who cursed every other word. pet store owner picked it up from the estate and sold it the same day. customer called and said the bird cursed a blue streak all day and wanted to know what to do. store clerk sait to put it in the freezer for five minutes. when the owner pulled the bird out of the freezer, the bird was calmed and spoke quite well asking "sir, may i enquire what the chicken did to be punished so"?

  6. So Smithsonian is out of live parrots. But D.C. is not bereft of available pets. DNC headquarters has a slug. . . .
