Wednesday, May 2, 2018

If true, I'm really liking this.

President Trump put the U.S. trade team together that actually makes the deals now. And those deals are independent of consideration for the corporate needs of any individual players, or groups of players, on Wall Street.

Ross, Mnuchin and Lighthizer et al, are only looking out for the U.S. best interests. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has been cut out completely; and as a direct consequence Wall Street -and by extension their multinational corporations- no longer has any influence on U.S. trade agreements.

This is a massive economic paradigm shift that most people don’t comprehend.


  1. The Swamp hates the President. And they are desperate to have Mueller's team remove him from office. If he does 8 years, there is no telling how good things could get here.

    We might even get tired of winning.

    Lock HER up!
    Build that wall!!

  2. That's the best economic news I've heard in the past 20-plus years!
