Saturday, May 5, 2018

Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble!


  1. If you had a house or property there that was once worth something, it's not now.

  2. Don't think I'd want to live in Hawaii. It seems you're either in reach of a volcano or a tidal wave.

  3. I have a riding buddy who is a professor of geology at a nearby college. Finals ended this past week and he left Wednesday for Hawaii. He has his MS and has just started a doctoral program. He hopes it peaks sometime this summer so he can use the data he collects for his doctoral thesis.

  4. Been there many times - almost bought a really nice house in Hilo about 10 years ago as a retirement home, but then thought better of it. The biggest concern wasn't Pele, it was the LONG flight from the East Coast that would discourage frequent visits. Of course, in retirement we could go for months at a time.
