Friday, April 20, 2018

The Donald is starting to build a reputation.

OBAMA: “North Korea is the biggest problem you’ll have while in office, I didn’t fix it in 8 years”
TRUMP: Hold my 9 iron…


  1. I visit REgressive sites like The NYT and CommonDreams. They will never and have never given Trump 1 iota of credit for any of the positive policies he's initiated.

    In fact, the left is still pushing collusion and Russia. It's like that friend of yours that won't STFU about what he imagined was the great time he had back in college and step into current reality.

    Despite Trump's growing popularity in the polls(which are weighted to show him at only 51%)now the DNC has files a lawsuit against Trump for winning. They've blurred past laughing stock into CrazyTown.

    Yet there are millions of people whose sole info input is MSNBC and The NYT who believe Trump is dumb, incompetent and impeachable.

    Sad yet there they are, walking among us and until they open their mouths, they actually appear normal.

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