Monday, April 30, 2018

Al Gore despondent - his snake oil sales certain to collapse.

The greatest two-year global cooling event just took place, which may not really be surprising given the basically totally inactive sun spot cycle.

 From February 2016 to February 2018 (the latest month available) global average temperatures dropped 0.56°C. You have to go back to 1982-84 for the next biggest two-year drop, 0.47°C—also during the global warming era. All the data in this essay come from GISTEMP Team, 2018: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP). NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (dataset accessed 2018-04-11 at This is the standard source used in most journalistic reporting of global average temperatures.

Short term variations do not disprove the theory of Global Warming, but neither are they predicted by the all important climate models.

Temperatures may climb from here, so these unusual cooling events need not make mainstream news. But unless that happens soon—and remember that would be bad news—climate reporters will have to discuss cooling, which will mean presenting a more complex story than has been typical in the past.


  1. The sun is at its coolest in a generation and if it continues to perform this way, it could institute a mini-ice age. We've seen them within the past 1000 years and they're not uncommon. But it will really bother the global warming folks and the princely pay they've drawn from the gullible.

  2. With a little luck snake oil salesman Gore will stick his head in a gas over, turn it up high and inhale till he turns deep purple.

  3. Sun is heading into a "Maunder Minimum" Phase - Core Reaction Slows due to Helium Buildup, Cooling is the "Purge Cycle". It has been Recorded in the Past that this can go as Far as Snow in June/July, and SEVERE Winter Weather.
    I Hope I Live to See that.

  4. For Petes sake, the man-made global warming lie began in 1995!!! there has absolutley no evidence at all since, period, theory was BS from the get go.
    Recent weather was merely stronger indications of no warming but instead cooling, but this lie was disproven by anyone with a pulse all along.

  5. global warming and global cooling yada yada yada....just think.... are you aware that the surface temperatures of the planet mars are in lockstep with the surface temperature swings on earth. the data is also available thru NASA. what was that about "human caused global warming" how is it that the same temperature changes are also happening on mars? oh. viking mars lander and all the heavy breathing by the mars rovers. couldn't possibly be the solar output which changes periodically. naw.

  6. I reckon it's time to short suntan lotion, and go long on woolens. Could get a mite chilly by and bye.

  7. "Which will mean presenting (simply making-up stuff-up) a more complex (more dishonest) story (lie) than has been typical in the past."
