Sunday, April 29, 2018

“A 13th Century Roman Catholic bishop’s helmet.”

Bishops had helmets?  This is cool , but I'm not sure I believe it.


  1. Bishop Odo , cousin of William the Conqueror, fought in armor at Hastings. His preferred weapon was a wooden club, because clerics shouldn’t shed blood.

  2. Pope Julius II fought and was wounded in several battles over the Papal States. We know him better as the pope who got Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel.

    As to the actual helmet shown, it looks more like parade armor than battle armor. Parade armor is, well, armor that isn't battle-worthy, but is highly decorated, often with gold and silver highlights.

  3. And now the current Pope, Francis is fighting a semi-bloodless battle to ensure the benign benefits of Socialism is firmly entrenched around the world.

  4. Bishops were made of better material in those days...
