Sunday, April 29, 2018

Jordan Peterson debunks the idea of White Privilege.


  1. Absolutely correct! JBP is the man!

  2. Jordan Peterson is fighting the omnipresent Marxism found everywhere in academia these days, and kudos to him for standing firmly against it! He also points out the incoherence of so many on the Left, and how they simply regurgitate opinions as though they are facts.

    For some reason Vox Day, who is usually reliable about right-wing matters, has got his undies tied all in a knot over JBP; it seems to have something to do with "the Jews."

    Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't have any problem with Jews. I also don't see the advantage on picking fights with people on our side, even if they aren't 100%. YMMV!

  3. intelligent talk. already knew there is no white privilege. being kind of pinkish and tan myself, i am looking for human privilege. kind of like if it came down to human testing or animal testing, would they choose animal testing? I am a racist i guess. i am at least 51% (maybe more)for the human race.
    let me ask this question: three US citizens of chinese, nigerian or iranian decent who all speak the same language as required by the job poster and all are equally qualified for a particular job... under the rules of the US dept of labor affirmative action program, which one will get the one job opening?
