Saturday, October 19, 2024




  1. I am thinking that the "woke" fat kids (which there are vast amounts out there) would say that this cartoon was nothing more than "fat shaming" and "inappropriate." They don't understand that most obese people are simply fat, lazy over eaters who have little or no self-control. But then, that might just be my own opinion.

  2. The problem with calling government a necessary evil is the assumption that evil is necessary. We don't need "more efficient" government. We need WAY LESS OR NO GOVERNMENT. There is absolutely nothing the government does that cannot be done by private individuals or companies, operating in a government-free, competitive free market. Government is just people - people with a legal monopoly on the use of violence. Society would be far safer without that monopoly existing.

    1. You are not wrong ... but the problem is that far too many people are fat and lazy, they want to be "taken care of"... and who better than the federal or state governments?

      IMHO the value of something is what you pay for it. Welfare and other government programs are "free" and worth nothing.
