Saturday, September 7, 2024

Heh. Times Change, Right?



  1. I've got over 700 CDs now and I'm going to continue adding more. Eventually I'll copy all my cassettes (approx 200) onto DVDs too. The cloud is just some corporation's server farm.

  2. As a late Baby Boomer I would buy the album and copy it to 8-track and later to cassette. I worked in an alternative rock radio station for 2 years when I was in college. I have about 500 LP albums, 200 cassettes, and 400 CDs. There is some duplication within the formats. Now I have a full 2 terabyte music server that I have pulled a 50 hour playlist for the wife's car, an 80 hour playlist for my motorcycle, and two 40 hour playlist for my truck.

  3. When I was looking to enter the job market in the late '80s, I was happy and excited to buy CDs. Now that I've recently retired, I'm happy and excited to replace some of those CDs with vinyl...

  4. I don't buy much music but when I do, I buy MP3s from Amazon. Or I download albums from YouTube as MP3s.

    Only thing I ever keep in the cloud is my Evernote notes and reminders. Everything else resides on Desktop, Laptop, 4 2-3 TB USB drives for backup. I keep one at my daughter's house. I carry one when I travel in case my laptop goes kerflooie.

    I don't even keep email in the cloud. I have about 25 years of email that I keep synced on all my devices. I delete all but the previous month's from my server each month. (About 20 years of that is in Eudora format. If I need it, I need to figure out how to run Eudora on Win 11)

    Screw the cloud. I want nothing to do with it.

  5. I have perhaps 1,000-1500 tracks on my phone, as well as all my devices. Ripped from CDs, purchased from Amazon, downloaded from YouTube and other sources.

  6. I have 18,000+ mp3 albums, mostly downloaded back in the usenet days of the 90's.
    They were burned to about 400 DVD's but I eventually copied them to 2 4tb Seagate mini drives.
