Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Who reads a newspaper anymore?



  1. When I canceled my subscription I told them that the generation still paying for a newspaper should not be insulted by them 7*24.

  2. Still remember the look on the face of the guy outside South Station that I'd been buying my morning Boston Globe from, for years, the day I had to tell him, "Sorry, I'm done with them".

  3. Quite a display of ignorance. "I don't always agree with them, so I will ignore them" Talk about exclusionary culture and not believing in actual facts.

    1. Or, been lied to so many times it becomes too much work to decide whether what they print is true (rarely) or not. Do they think in terms of a "narrative?" If so, they lie.

    2. Never discount open sources, even pure propaganda.
      Even in Soviet Russia, the newspapers had value to people who had long since discounted the Official Narrative.

      They told you at whom TPTB were pissed off.

  4. Plus, you folks will decry the loss of the eyes and ears of the free press when you new government starts operating in secret and there is no watchdog there to tell you what is happening.

    1. It’s not a free press when they are colluding with them.

    2. "decry the loss" ? i get tired of continuous one-sided propaganda written with very little open mindedness.

  5. Tech and the Left ruined a great morning/evening ritual. And now I have to get my woodstove fire draft booster elsewhere, like Amazon packing paper.

  6. I get the Wall Street Journal but Murdoch's kids are slowly destroying it. More and more articles accepting the "climate change" crap as fact, praising EVs and tons of Trump bashing. Give it another year or two and it's going to be NY Times v2.

  7. Folks who need to wrap fish or line birdcages.

  8. If you think WSJ is bad, have a look at a recent National Geo.
    They've fully bought into the AGW horse hockey.

  9. You can get all the real news from dozens of internet sites the old press won't show. So who's the ignorant one?

  10. The Epoch Times is very good - I read it weekly.

  11. Stopped taking the paper several years ago. Got fed up with a paper that was somewhere to the left of Pravda. The paper in Wichita is unabashedly a propanda organ of the democratic party. A few months after dropping my sub they turned a zero balance owed over to a collection agency and tried to get paid for serveces not rendered.

    1. Des Moines Register is the same. Orange man bad on a daily basis. Haven't bought one in years. Now the local small town newspaper was bought out by some big corporation can't remember the name. The whole staff quit and now I see why. Every editorial is slanted left so I canceled that subscription as well.

  12. If you are in need of newsprint, U-haul sells big packs of blank, unbleached stuff for packing dishes, glassware, etc. Use that instead to wrap your fish, line your bird cage, etc. No reason to give the totalitarian-supporting propagandists any of your money.

  13. The Fourth Column is now the Fifth Estate.

    1. "Strike that. Reverse it." - William Wonka

      It's hell when you mangle your own punchline.

  14. My wife and I subscribed and read the daily Colorado Springs "Gazette" and we also get and read the Sunday "New York Times."

    1. As a side note: The Gazette is quite of the very few left in this once-great nation.

      The NY Times, while painfully liberal, has some of the best writers and I am a firm believer of what Chairman Mao (or another Chinese person) said, "Know your enemy better than you know yourself."

  15. I would if they weren't so leftist and $1/day, and $5 on Sunday.

  16. Take four papers. Premier in the lot is the Epoch Times, delivered weekly by mail. Though I do read the digital daily Epoch Times I save the less timely parts for a pleasurable broadsheet read.

    Also delivered by mail weekly are the three local small town newspapers covering communities we feel affinity with.

    After the four physical newspapers it is magazines that grace our tables. Mostly hobby and travel, as the digest versions of MSM propaganda curdles intelligent thought.
