Monday, April 8, 2024

This is the next book I'm reading


         Assyria: The Rise and Fall of the World's First Empire

At its height in 660 BCE, the kingdom of Assyria stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf. It was the first empire the world had ever seen. Here, historian Eckart Frahm tells the epic story of Assyria and its formative role in global history. Assyria’s wide-ranging conquests have long been known from the Hebrew Bible and later Greek accounts. But nearly two centuries of research now permit a rich picture of the Assyrians and their empire beyond the battlefield: their vast libraries and monumental sculptures, their elaborate trade and information networks, and the crucial role played by royal women.


  1. The next book I'll be reading is "The Indoctrinated Brain" by German Dr. Michael Nehls. Tucker Carlson interviewed him last week and you can watch it here... If you think people who've been vaxxed have a changed personality you're not imagining this. The vaxx has attacked the brain where critical thinking and curiosity functions thus making victims more likely to shut down, obey and remain fearful.

    1. Woah. Thanks for sharing. Totes gonna watch.

    2. Yeah, Tom, dittos to what The Noticer said. Very interesting talk.

    3. With all due respect to Mr. Swanson, this is a marvelous website, I agree the Assyrians had a fascinating empire. So do we Western Civilization proponents of the 21st Century have something amazing and beautiful... something to protect and defend. However, some putrid evil invaders are not only entering our shores, they seek to conquer our minds. The interview had Tucker shaking his head in horror. He said this is about the most evil thing he's ever heard of. Stop listening to the news, the government, the corporations. If you've been vaxxed don't ever do that again. I never did. I didn't believe the bullshit for one minute. My neighbors are dying. These were very healthy people hiking, riding bicycles and walking their dogs. This is an invasion like never has been devised.

    4. If Tucker Carlson interviews him you realise the man is talking cobblers. The vaccine is safe, those who opposed it are dangerous. Note, they are usually vaccinated against almost everything else!

    5. Several years later and 1:45 STILL doesn't see the pik even though the dots are almost touching each other. What a maroon. lol

    6. Thanks Tom. Carlson grates me but I'll watch.

    7. Howdy ghost. Carlson spends most of the interview with his jaw agape. The doctor goes into a believable explanation describing the impaired brain departments, which is clearly in evidence reading anon@1:45 am. All curiosity and critical thinking is in atrophy. Ever heard of a vaccine that doesn't protect anyone from anything and it's required you keep taking more and more? The brain impaired say, "Cut me a slice of that."

    8. Previous comment @7:27 was mine. To the anon@1:45... even Fauci admitted that vaccines take a minimum of 10 years to be tested for safety. These several coof vaxxes were ready to roll within just a few months. That "everything else" you were referring to was stringently tested. Not this crap.

  2. Not sure about that title.
    The Akkadian Empire, which emerged in the 24th century BC under Sargon of Akkad, is often considered the world's first empire. It unified various city-states across Mesopotamia into a single political entity with centralized control.
    DaleC in Idaho

  3. BCE Before Christs Empire

  4. 5000 years, same entities been operating along the fringes of the shadows. "IT's current form claims bloodline of Solomon, ie, Rothchillian's, aka Ashkenazi jews, the Hapsburg's and the Orange line, the Khazarian mafia, their assorted factions of colored Dragon families, their security aka order of the black dragons/jesuits/masons/Vatican/5Star Generals/cia-mossad-mi5&6/Langley Fivers/secret militarys/secret space force/Silent Circle/anti-silent circle and other Italian family crime syndicates. We been slaves all along to them...

  5. ...All the underground DUMB's been destroyed, the advanced tech which ran everything from weather mods to earthquakes, advanced DEW systems, orbital mesh networks, everything like that is defunct or destroyed. Right now we are beginning to see the effects, the failures, consequences of lack of operating funds, disclosure is increasing, the mind control systems from looking glass to mockingbird have failed or taken out, they still have control to varying degrees of the 5 key elements that make up the slave control system: Media - Financial - Energy - Intelligence - Military, they are losing control of these also. Everythings about control control control, the vestiges of the Savior programs, (remember you got to have the boogeyman and the savior, its how 5000 years of control was maintained), and of course FEAR, thats a program too, False Evidence Appearing Real, that is the biggie far as keeping us slaves from rebelling, wars too, and to cull the warriors among us, shift stuff around to get at inground assets, thats another fail we are witnessing like whats going on in Africa and Gaza, realestate and the huge gas deposits on Gaza land/offshore.
    These monsters they been killing us for centuries, we aint even something worth scraping off their shoes, just wealth creation slaves, biggest thing though no more birth certificate bonds on us. Thats done. They even placed bonds on us on planes trains ships and buses, its why they ship everything so far thru archaic shipping systems, canals, ports of entry, put bonds on everything, fractionalize everything till nothing of value remains then trash it. Same with our currencies, its all to max out wealth creation transfer, we where their slaves. No more. Watch real close now you know some stuff long hidden. Your gonna begin to grok just how FUBAR'd everything is. Lucky us we have a Guardian now. Teams of guardians actually, they been cleaning up and despising of the trash so to speak. This is who has been keeping SS veterans payments and medicare solvent. Nothing else. Deep state is trying to keep things running but little by litle they have to pullback or abandon stuff. Wonder why all these public figures disappear? All these body doubles in place? Yeah. Gone. Adious. Sent back to Source, as in de-molecuralized. NATO dead nuts broke? UN is totally bankrupt. Central banks are broke now too. Why they keep raiding digital currencies why bitcoin goes up then crashes? Thats Langley 5 run, big skim racket. And the global digital currency keeps failing to get going like the Fed Now system? OMEGA was front side of an organic AI system, a true Quantum AI, without OMEGA they have not the computing power to make those work. Money us gone. Wild things are on the verge of taking place, stuff nobody in 5000 years has ever seen, and no one knows what is really going to happen.

  6. Both Akkad and Egypt existed before Assyria. Assyria was larger than Akkad, but not Egypt.

  7. Any relation to the Sea People from the Mediterranean Sea sometime in the BC era?

  8. This tome would have been handy at the Gorge of Eternal Peril...

  9. Reading the posts here it is difficult to avoid asking 'Are all Americans nuts?'

    1. Yes indeed! At least those voting for Trump!

    2. People with such strong convictions that post as anonymous-do you really think anyone here buys your bullshit?
      What did Trump actually do, that he's been accused but NEVER convicted of?
      So sick of you snarky little pissants.
      It will be a pleasure exterminating your kind.

  10. I highly recommend Dan Carlin's Hardcore History podcast episode, "Judgment at Nineveh." All of his Hardcore History podcasts are worth listening to.

  11. Got the sneaking feeling of late everything we are told to believe is going to turn out to be a lie, everything.

    1. Reflect upon a time when everything we heard was the truth. Report back, please.
