Friday, April 19, 2024

Shake that Booty



  1. So THAT'S where the runway models learn that walk. I always kinda wondered.

  2. Uh uh uh uh stayin alive stayin alive

  3. We have a family of crows -- and now working on a third generation -- who come twice a day to eat at our house. They love the kitty kibble we put out for them. They know us and will fly in at other times if we call them or, sometimes, they just show up to "talk". Once, one of them left a brand new pair of black socks for us. They bring their new fledglings and it's been fascinating to watch the family interaction and watch the young develop. They're very smart birds and seem to have a great sense of humor, too. They aren't the best flyers -- especially when they're molting -- and spend more time walking than flying. Lovely birds.

    1. That’s cool. Usually they’re hard to handle.

    2. I have a family of blue jays that I feed peanuts to. The fledglings will sit on a branch and flutter their wings and cry for a peanut. They come back every year, and the older ones remember me.
