Tuesday, April 2, 2024




  1. Interesting staged photo. Style of shoes and pants is from decades ago. Flèche attack using electric foils but no lames or floor wires. And the guy is in sixte, aka parry 6, leaving himself wide open and not even attempting to retreat. So it’s a How To picture from days gone by.

    The flèche is a dangerous move, in large part because it’s so easy to mess up the landing if your opponent parries strongly or moves sideways into your flight path.


    1. It looks to me that the training dummy... err guy on the right... has his arm extended, not parrying. But fencing is the last sport I'd try to analyze from a still.

  2. Tried that move in a college PE class long, long ago. The opponent stood there flatfooted looking at me. I didn't get a point because the judges were also standing there flatfooted looking at me...and not my foil's point of contact.
