Saturday, April 6, 2024

IGNITION! SpaceX Starship Super Heavy Booster 10 Static Fire Test


  1. look at those shockwaves! the level of pure noise those 33 engines produce looks amazing.
    read previously they have to keep from running at max power during static tests, guess 7 million tons of thrust would be reason alone, but holy moly, the thunder from the combined 33 engines, reaching essentially maximum power possible using chemical rockets, about the only way to squeeze more thrust out of chemical engines at this point in engine designs has to be more engines.
    keep thinking they plan on hour by hour turnaround/launches, cant imagine living within range of the sonic booms Super Heavy creates, the racket non stop would not be very pleasant, though i understand the reasons they must create the high launch cadence or its all for naut.
    Jerry Pournelle, great author of hard sci-fi wrote about a launch system using ground based lasers, which are aimed at an ablative chamber in the tail of the launch vehicles, that way you leave the fuel on the ground. strikes me as a step further in Elon's premise regarding stage zero as he named it. as a next stage in launch technology makes a lot of sense, cause you can build laser systems as large as you want. though lasers that size probably make a lot of noise also, kind of ultimate frying bacon sound maybe, cause part of the laser design requires a high hertz pulse, as in a dwell time so the ablative chamber can exhaust itself, the design mentioned something like 70-100 hertz. In Jerry's story they used all the output a nuclear reactor could put out, multiple lasers aimed thru a mirror system. makes a lot of sense verses present having to get 7 million tons of rocket moving.

  2. You read too much (/s). Jerry had it right but this is Elon's money laundromat.
