Friday, April 19, 2024

I like to stockpile this stuff - it's good, easy to prepare, keeps well and doesn't require refrigeration - and this flavor looks really good. Be prepared for TEOTWAWKI!



  1. The Chunky has a lot more meat/veggies then the Prog soup,and yes,I know it is not the healthiest choice but when you are hungry you will love it!Have a lot of rice and beans(mixed will keep you alive and reasonably healthy)add soup as a enhancer.

    1. I like to add stuff. Pepper, lemon, whatever is leftover in the fridge. I can't stop slurping this stuff down in the winter when it's cold outside. Add some sourdough, and ooh la la!

  2. Haven't tried this flavor yet - if I come across it, might be worth sampling.

    1. Me neither, so I ordered some. I should report back.

  3. They have a couple of different chicken corn chowder versions that are really good.

  4. You fukker. Everytime you post these I get a case.
    Just yesterday I got a Walmart delivery of 2 cases of Chunky on a low price (had a Pot Roast for lunch today) and now I have to get one of these.

    BTW, anyone complaining about how "watery" they are, that's what crackers are for. Walmart had SALTLESS whole wheat saltines on sale last week, skarfed up on 12 boxes.

    1. Speaking of Wally World. I got a can of GV Beef and Vegetables somewhere and I ate it the other night.
      Made a trip to get more and found some (only three cans left) and they're gone now.
      Really good stuff, and only $1.68 a can.

    2. Hey, I got about four flats in the garage and a couple more under the bed in the extra bedroom, all different types (except this one, which is new). Come hell or high water, the wife and I will eat. That is, if I don't eat them all first.

    3. Saltless saltines just doesn't sound right.

    4. Careful with that garage storage. It gets hot out there and that is a no no.
      And yeah, saltless crackers sounds counter intuitive but when you're an old fuk on BP meds you start to look at things differently.

  5. ---------I ain't never been in a walmart (I don't wear jammies)-but had my better 2/3 git a case o' SPAM recently.

    1. We almost never go there. Order everything online and have it delivered. Save wear and tear on the rides and lessen the necessity to pop a cap in somebody's ass. .

  6. I buy this brand at the local grocery when they're on sale in late winter. I'm partial to the Italian Wedding Soup as depicted about half way down the page at the jump. It doesn't smell all that great when you empty the can. However it tastes fantastic.


  7. Prog makes a Loaded Baked Potato that added over diced boiled russets is to die for. Just add a little shredded cheddar to the top and line up for the double grabber coronary.

    Spin Drift

  8. Prog use to be my go to soup. No longer. Many of their products contain Bio-engineered Food Ingredients. It's right on the label. What a shame. No Frankenfood for me!
