Sunday, April 21, 2024

Good Point



  1. Since 2003 my daily carry has been a Benchmade Auto that was issued to me in Afghanistan.

  2. This one, back when they were still made in USA.

  3. I got a pocket knife when I was seven. Carried one ever since. I gave a nephew a cub scout model Swiss army knife when he turned eight. You'd have thought I'd handed him a loaded and cocked pistol with no safety and no trigger guard. You could tell there was no way my SIL was going to let that knife stay in his room let alone in his pocket. He has kids of his own now. I wonder if he ever got to call that pocket knife his own.

  4. He's also someone who doesn't get on an airplane that often. (Part of a plan?)

    1. Check it in a bag. I had a 3" blade on me while flying on 9/11.

  5. I've carried some sort of pocket knife since grade school. The size varied, but I always have one.
    Currently, and for the past 30ish years, it's been a Swiss army knife.
    I'll check my bag if I have to fly somewhere, just so I can have it when I reach the destination.
    I feel naked without it.

    1. I know exactly how you feel, I've carried something by Gerber or Leatherman for the last 35 years. Remember flying out of DC and putting the thing in small bowl to pass through their X-ray machine. My how times have changed.

  6. Have carried a pocket knife as long as I can remember. Got a drawer with the old worn out ones in it. Have a Gerber right now.

  7. I carry a padded SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) with ?$2 Postage, so it I accidently hit TSA with my Pocket Knife I can mail it home.

  8. Back to the 50's in the third grade I think. It was Chattanooga public schools. The teacher said the same thing she said about marbles: "If I see it, It's mine". It was always a Barlow type. for the last 60 years, it's been a Tl-29. I found the first one in the grass at Fort Monmouth (RIP) and replaced it once. The screwdriver blade has come in handy many time. I was a computer programmer so I didn't work hard for a living but, like my dad, I'm (or was) a fixer.

  9. Like others...been carrying one always. These days it's just a bit nicer... Benchmade Narrows...."like it's not even there"

  10. I remember being in 4th grade in the '60s and our teacher, a nun, ask one of the boys to borrow his pocket knife to cut a piece of ribbon. I doubt that would happen today.

  11. Similarly, I remember in Jr. High around 1961 I was sent to the vice-principal's office for fighting. The punishment was paddling. I had to empty my pockets before being paddled. Along with everything else in my pocket, out came a folding knife with approximately a 3" blade. The vice-principal noted it and said something like "You don't really need one of those in school". Nothing else was said about it and I left the office with it. Times were different.

    1. different indeed. 3rd grade i was in the office for fighting and here came mom through the door. the principal said that i was in there for fighting to which my mother replied sternly--did he win?
      believe it or not, back then parents encouraged fighting where i grew up, they thought it was funny and it made us into men. to back down from a fight of any kind was to get a worse ass whooping at home if they found out. times were different then.

  12. Other than when dressed in my Boy Scout uniform, I do not remember carrying a pocketknife as a youth. I do carry several large knives in my truck. You never know when you'll need to stab a monster, a bear or a car jacker.

  13. the early 60s, in grade school and beyond, every boy and many girls carried one. not as a weapon but as a tool. you remember when kids played outside?
    think about it, people now will say "why do you need one" and go home and use them in in their kitchens while watching some BS cooking show selling them.
    its a tool for Gods sake. i feel as naked without one as i would without a wristwatch.
    do i have a pocket knife? - i have my pants on don't I ? an old three bladed buck. and no, you can't use it.

  14. ----fookin' times are diffrn't now.

  15. Had a tiny pocket knife in grade one. Some kid told my teacher. I was called to the principal's office. I'm standing in front of him, scared not knowing what kind of trouble I'm in. He says let me see your knife. He handed it back to me and said put it in your pocket, just don't show it to anyone. I've carried one ever since. Currently it's a pocket size Leatherman. I use it every day. Airports are a problem.

  16. My granddad gave me a Barlow knife for my 8th birthday. He said a man without a pocket knife is useless.

  17. I use my Leatherman at least 20 times a day. Have gone through maybe 6 in 20 years. Guaranteed. Break it, send it back, they have always replaced it.

  18. I always carry a SAK and a Spyderco Delica. Don't know what I'd do without either. And I try hard to stay away from airports!

  19. First knife was a Cub Scout knife back in 1956 or so. Yeah. I'm that old, and carried a knife ever since, except when I was doing advertising sales, suit and tie stuff. Carried Sears and Roebuck, Buck, Gerber, Leatherman, Victorinox and a few Japanese and Chinese knives. Loved 'em all used' 'em all. The only person I ever cut was me. EDC knives today, a Leatherman Micra and a Gerber liner lock, forget the model.

  20. Nowadays you can't open a package of Ho-Ho's or cupcakes without a pocket knife.

  21. Hi CW,
    "A Big Trucker's 10-4 on that!!!"
    Yup, since I was a kid, always had a "pocket knife!!"... From the 3 blade stockman, the "Barlow," the BUCK 110 Folding Hunter, Case, Camulus, "Kamp King" you-name it!! Saw a "Roy Rogers" pocket knife in the Sears Christmas "Wish Book!!" fell in love with it ... I was 8 years old... 1953.... Yup, I got it!! ...'would put it on my nightstand next to my bed.... one morning not long after Christmas... it was "GONE!!!" Every one in the family thought I was just careless and lost it!!! ... NO WAY!!!!... 10 years later when my maternal Grandfather died we were going thru his "STUFF!!" and there it was!!!!!!! He was dead and buried but I got my Knife back!!!!! Turned it over to my Brother when I went into the NAVY!!!
    Currently got a 4" Ka-bar folder and smaller 2-blade folder on my belt!!! "And" quite a "Collecion!!!"
    'Being an old "Parachute Rigger" I take a piece of T/VII or T/VIII webbing, fold into thirds and sew up the edge.. instant knife sheath!!
    BTW Told the story about my Roy Rogers knife to my late wife.. that Christmas she found a "Commemorative Roy Rogers Pocket knife" somewhere on the web !! Yup, got another one!!!!!!!!

  22. In the UK you can only carry a pocket knife if it has a foldable blade no more than 3 inches long.

    1. Over here in the "BOOT" ... Lower Louisiana in the Colonies!!.. "WE CARRY!!!" You name it, knives and "GUNZ!!" of every style, class and variety.. In Public , Concealed and OPEN CARRY!!! always have a knife or two on my belt and I love goin' to WALMART and have my 1911-A1 slung on my belt "Open Carry" and note some obviously "Tourists" from Commyfornia freakin' out and go complain to the floor manager and he tells them,"Get a Grip yer' in "GOD's Country!!!!" Louisiana .. t's LEGAL!!!!!
      PS Remember Andy Jackson and his Men, Jean Lafiette along with all his Pirates and every able bodied man in New Orleans took care of business when the going got tough!!! THEY WERE ARMED..... Andy still rides proud in Jackson Square.. New Orleans..

  23. Guys like my dad carried pocket knives. Miss you, Dad.

  24. Have carried a pocket knife for as long as I can remember. Started with a tiny single-blade "keychain-type" as a tyke, then various ones since. I always have one clipped in my right-front pocket.

  25. i carry a case canoe, worked there from 77-82


  27. If I have pants on, I have a knife.

    1. hi anymouse!!!!,
      "10-4!!!" and I have ta' say I got a good laugh!!
      Blue skyz...buddy!!!,

  28. Live in the Philadelphia area. Have a carry permit. I can go directly to jail, do not pass go, if I carry a pocket knife. Oh, yeah, another thing, BB guns, air rifles and slingshots are also illegal.

  29. "if you need help, just ask the guy with a pocket knife..."
    THAT'S why my wife and daughters call me when they have car trouble.
    Pocket knives are useful. I recently used mine (Victorinox Alox Cadet) to fix my daughter's bathroom door that wouldn't latch. Now her 1-year-old can't burst in on her.

  30. I have carried a pocket knife of some sort most of the time since I became a pilot in the Air Force about 50 years ago. On the line, I flew C-130s. Before that it was a little spotty but always when I was Scouting. For the last few years I have had both a Gerber multi-tool and a pocket knife on me.

    When pocket knives became verboten to carry on airlines after 9/11 I felt naked. I always carried one when I flew just in case there was an emergency and I had to cut myself or someone else out of a seat belt. Don't fly much any more so it is not a problem.

  31. Man who don't carry a pocketknife ain't really a "man". Simple as that.

  32. I always have a Gerber multi tool on me.

  33. I think every competent adult ought to carry a knife.
    I've had a lot of pocket knives; I now carry two. One is a little Case 3-blade that I got 20 years ago for being a groomsman at a cowboy wedding in Oklahoma. Everyone was required to bring their personal weapons, and if you didn't have one, the groom could loan you one. He had an eclectic circle of friends; one brought his crossbow, not having a firearm. The service was in a pasture, with the humans in period garb (or some novel approximation). The non-humans were a small herd of curious horses and a mule, intermixed among the congregation. My other knife is a CRKT M21-04G, which is reserved for cutting meat.

  34. "A human without a knife is just a chimp with a bad haircut".
    Roberta X, blogger

  35. Victorinix Mini-Champ as keyring.

    Spin Drift

  36. I carry a pocketknife and a small flashlight. Always.
