Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Freeze! Got chew covered!



  1. I won't argue with these comely young cowgirls, but the guns appear to be empty of bullets.

    1. "Their revolvers' cylinder's chambers appear to not contain cartridges."

      Forgive me for being a firearms terminology Nazi. It makes a difference.

    2. Cylinders visible but NOT the one chamber about to have hammer dropped on. Many ADs occur with firearms having an empty magazine but the chambered round was forgotten. Consequences of that one round can be catastrophic.

    3. They are smarter than Alec Baldwin

    4. The shot Baldwin was rehearsing called for a loaded gun pointed straight at the camera, and fired. They were all supposed to be dummies for the rehearsal. Baldwin couldn't have told the difference either way, but his job - nor any other actor - isn't to check that. Ever. It's the weapon handler's sole responsibility. Admitting she didn't feel it necessary to check the dummies every time on Rust, she just got 18 months in prison, with the judge noting at sentencing "A woman is dead solely because you failed to do your job." {That's going to make a motion to dismiss charges against Baldwin hard to argue against when his trial comes up.} The other clown who was supposed to witness it with her and failed to even bother got off with a plea bargain.

      Baldwin's a four-star jackhole for his position on guns, and a jerk by all accounts, but completely guiltless in the shooting. So maybe enjoy the karma of what happened to him because of other people's gross criminal negligence, and take the win, instead of wishing for a perversion of justice out of malicious spite. You'll sleep better.

  2. They only fire blanks anyways.
    The holsters are the giveaway: they're a couple of balloon-poppers of the CMSA.

  3. Plus, their hats......

    1. The better to garden with. Must have been a big gopher.

    2. Big gopher? Carl Spackler is ready to help.
