Friday, November 24, 2023

No, that is the great fallacy: the wisdom of old men. They do not grow wise. They grow careful. Ernest Hemingway



  1. Being careful didn't stop him from making that last trip.

  2. I'm guessing he got a shitload more careful in '54 after 2 plane crashes in as many days and having to headbutt his way out of the second one while the damn thing was on fire.

  3. I was reading a book on the French Resistance and there was a chapter on Hemingway. He was coordinating with the Resistance and even went on a couple of missions with them. One Frenchman asked Hemingway why a man like him (great manly bearing, courage and wit ) was only a lowly Captain at his age?
    Hemingway replied solemnly "My friend, it is my great shame! But I am illiterate, and cannot read or write".

  4. The photograph is reversed. That large lump of scar tissue was on the left side of his forehead.

    1. New to the digital age, are ya?
