Monday, January 16, 2023

New Zealand from the ISS



  1. Given its present leader, I'm surprised this was allowed.

  2. That's one big concentration camp now.

    1. My dad knew some RNZAF (Corsair) pilots on the New Hebrides Islands, WW2. He described them as "great sportsmen, rough&tumble, honest". They wouldn't recognize what they fought for now.

    2. My dad was in a servicing unit in the RNZAF during WW2 and spent time with Americans in the "Islands". Never heard him say anything bad about them - they were always helpful with parts, decent food and PX stuff (like towels which he sent home). Mum likewise said the marines she encountered in NZ were nice young men, polite and respectful to a mum with her first child while dad was overseas.
      I agree that NZ is not the safe and harmonious country it once was - many developed a taste for socialism and we are seeing the fruits.

  3. I'm always amazed at how little of the earth they can actually see from the ISS.

  4. No star to see... think about!
