Friday, January 20, 2023

Never again. Now it's Amazon. Or Costco.



  1. The reason I enjoy going to Sam's is because it looks like how I imagine the Decadent West would have been portrayed in Soviet propaganda, circa 1955.

  2. I think Macy's still decorates their stores like this, so sad its fading away.

  3. ...and an ashtray at every major aisle intersection. I miss my youth.

  4. Probably the Macy's at Crenshaw and MLK. About a mile west of the Coliseum.
    Back when LA was to move to, not from.

  5. Back in the 1970's and 1980's I was a housewares buyer for several major department stores in several cities. It was a great job but around 1985, they began a major decline in business and eventually most of them went out of business ... or Macy's acquired them.

  6. Thank you & thank your next door neighbor. Me too while yer at it. Apathy can't win at anything.
