Thursday, November 3, 2022

Well, he wanted to do adventure sports...



  1. I thought pulling on the bottom cords would collapse the chute, but I've never jumped, so.....

  2. There are quick releases built into the harness. The jumper hasn't reached for them yet.

    Slamming onto a road will disorient even the most seasoned trooper. Don't ask me how I know....

  3. That one had a distinctly coyote / road-runner feel to it. If a semi had come along and creamed him, it woulda been perfect.

  4. That looks military, not sport.
    Tree Mike

    1. Yeah, it looks like military to me too, but not an airborne trooper. It looks to me more like someone who has had some training in parachutes, but doesn't jump often....likely a pilot or crewmember.

      My distant memory of jump training was that to collapse a chute which was dragging you along the ground, you would pull one of the risers into your chest.


    2. Given the way he is dressed, he's a pilot that punched out. The wind is a bit too high to be hitting the silk, but if it's a choice between boring a hole in the earth, and getting dragged, I know which one I'd take. Hopefully he found the quick release pretty quick.

    3. I was an F/A-18 pilot and to me it looks like a pilot, but the chute is not like what we had (but times have changed). It looks like they have g-suit, combat boots, and torso harness/gear on. Don't know why they aren't cutting the lines as that is what we were taught. They used to make us do that in water conditions; perhaps this is Air Force.

    4. or run up on the chute

  5. Reminds me of the GI Joes we'd launch with our Estes rockets. Poor Joe got dragged through diverse field conditions.

  6. Its tough to pop a rise to partially collapse the chute when your being drug on your face cause you PLFd incorrectly. Was doing a training jump to seize an airfield and had high winds, over threshold, JM didnt call the ball so we went. I ended up heels, ass head, knocked out cold being drug across an active runway with fast movers doing touch and go's. Good times. It had to have looked a 100x worse than this clip.

    I just wanted to say, your blog and pics are the highlight of my day. I do appreciate what you do. Thanks. BTW sold my SRT8 a little while back, I do miss her. She was 4-layer red. I loved getting stupid in that car.

  7. I didn't know Super Dave was making a comeback?!?

  8. All comments were hilarious and some took me back to my childhood. I am so old we had an oversized green Armyman that came with a chute we threw as high as we could. Then we climbed on the roof

  9. Hopefully some key fragments of jump training comes back to him before he gets dragged somewhere worse.
