Friday, November 11, 2022

USAF Is Testing Its New Rapid Dragon Bomb -- Interesting


  1. Do our cargo aircraft have flare and chaff dispensers? If the opfor goes after them, beside a CAP, what protection / countermeasures do they have? I guess they always have been targets... Interesting stuff.

    1. Certain versions of airlifters have missile launch detection, flare and chaff dispensers, and other ECM on board. But that "golden BB" is always out there.

    2. These are long range missiles (not "bombs"), so the idea is to launch them far outside of the range of enemy air defenses. (Which is what the B-52 has been tasked to do with Peer opponents for years).

      Since cargo aircraft can use shorter and rougher fields than heavy bombers (and hence more potential fields out there), the idea is also to make it harder to track what airfields might be used to base strikes from.

  2. Woohoo! The C-130 is a bomber again! (Ex C-130 Pilot.)

  3. Not a totally new concept We once lauched a Minuteman ICBM out of a C-5. They only lit the first stage but it proved it could be done.

  4. WHO are they going to bomb? Certainly not Afghanistan or Iran. And never Russia or China.

    1. I think they bomb whoever they want and don't necessarily tell talk about it. We don't really know who is in charge....

  5. There was once a plan to put 72 ALCMs on a B747 on rotary launchers, which was just as bright/stupid.

    This nonsense is clickbait for government graft, not a serious weapons system.

    Once you dump a pallet-load of missiles, you've got about 2 minutes, max, to use 'em or lose 'em.

    And once someone shoots down your launchers, you've got pallets of dead weight sitting on the ground in some FOB, with no delivery system.

    Only a contractor salesman would think up something so idiotic.

    You might as well make a drop-in single- or double-shot cruise missile launcher than fits on the back of Toyota Hilux, FFS. That would actually make far more sense.

    1. Sorry Aesop, gotta disagree on this one.

      The scenario you give would be stupid, but these wouldn't be kicked out the back until they had a valid target and launch order. All weapons on the pallet are launched while it is still in the air.

      And it's a hell of a lot more survivable for the launch platform than kicking out a Daisy Cutter or the weapons used in CAROLINA MOON (C-130 platforms both cases).

      And while the B747 ALCM launcher never got past the drawing board stage, the work done on that project set the stage for launchers currently available for the B-52, B-1 and B-2.

  6. I'm sure Slo Joe gets 10% which makes it one serious system.

  7. This looks expensive to develop and employ. We already have the B52 which can drop a quantity of 108, 500 lb. bombs. What is wrong with a good old fashioned carpet bombing?

  8. Yawn.... we're shoving skids out the back of cargo planes, meanwhile 3rd world shitholes have hypersonic mach6 rockets.
    We are so fucked...

  9. How about that doggone cancer thing. Always new killing devices, but Grandma, and Grandbaby still dying of cancer. Sick of these 'how to kill better' videos. Take note timewaster.

    1. Having a child die of cancer sucks... the worst thing in my life so far. I wouldn't wish it on anyone..
      But what are you going to do? Shit just does. You get up and put one foot in front of the other...just like always. Or you don't. That last one is sad for all the rest of the survivors.
      Good luck friend...
