Friday, November 11, 2022

Turning a Cherry Burl Bowl - The “Just a Bowl” Bowl


  1. Yawn, no imagination. That bowl shape is a dime a hundred.

    She is tool heavy though, she has all the wonderful accessory items which make the job easier. Some turners think they're necessary. She even has digital readout on the lathe. I rather like calculating speed by pulley combinations.

  2. If you're changing speed by changing pulleys you're not using the lathe much. I got about 2 mins into that vid and bailed. I won't tolerate someone abusing a burl like that, cutting it down the middle with the chain. At this moment I have about 11 turnings in some state of progress, about 80 blanks sitting on shelves, and a 30 lb spalted maple burl painted white waiting for me to decide how to deal with it. My wife gave me a lathe for christmas 12 years ago and I instantly became addicted and spend quite a bit of time with it. Yes, it has a digital speed control and I have lots of accessories and tools for it. I'm thinking about getting a Powermatic 4224 in the spring.

  3. I liked the tool for taking out the center.

  4. Should have made some gun furniture out of that wood. Another bowl collecting dust on the shelf? C'mon man.
