Wednesday, November 9, 2022

There's electricity in the air today!



  1. Why do people elect tyrants who enslaved them, took their jobs, locked them in their homes, made their kids miss school and wear useless masks? What is wrong with people? Time to secede.

    1. Sadly it's to late, but then it's always been in G-d's hands/time

  2. I'm blaming Benjamin Franklin. And Nichola Tesla...him too. We'd never have to see that lightning crawling down an electrical line without those two bozos.

    "...What is wrong with people?..."
    Yeah, I'm going through a lot of that today too.


  3. RE: "...What is wrong with people?..."

    False question! True Question: Why do the people tolerate Democrat vote scam?

    Dan Kurt

    1. We cling to, fear for, our lives- as far as I can reckon. Quite a determent of what the proper action is.

    2. Because too many people are dumb enough to believe that unless you vote for the democrats you are a fill-in-the-blank and will be fill-in-the-blank.
      All that 7*24 Joseph Goebbels crap on the media WORKS.

    3. People should take note of what's happening in Brazil right now.

  4. If I am to believe that Americans, after Watching all the ruinous, tyrannical decisions and their effects, actually voted For the insanity that has been pronounced the winners in the elections, then I don't know how to deal with them. Nobody voted For this crap, except for the lefties,and there is no way they outnumber us.
    Elections have been crooked for years. How else can anyone explain Maxine Waters and Shiella Jakksun Lee and that POS John McCain getting re-elected time after time? And Fetterman? Seriously? Sure, Oz sucks, but I'm supposed to believe Fetterman actually won that? C'mon, maan.

  5. "Don't ascribe to malice what can be explained by stupidity"

    We allowed the Commies the entire public school and private university system for decades. What did you expect?

    1. I expected the people I elected to do their jobs and follow the Constitution, keep us free and not sell us out for power and cash.

  6. Elections fixed by the c i a just like they do all over the world.

  7. Ask yourself, Did the 'red wave' actually exist, or was that a figment of the media?

    Lastnight I watched election results on Fox, CNN, and MSNBC.
    I was unable to discern any difference between them.
    But what of the broadcasts from up to one month ago?

    Was a red wave, was the slaughter of the Ds the story then?
    I don't know because I don't watch the TV (except about an hour yesterday morning and last night)

    Barring evidence to the contrary, it seems to me it was all a scripted .production.

    1. There are plenty who cautioned against buying into the 'red wave' rave. There have been gains across the board: national, state, and local races. The votes haven't completed counting in some states that are likely to go to the Repubs eventually - governors and senators and representatives.

      A lot of the problem is that people treat politics and governance like they only have to get involved when the playoffs come around (elections), and that's our MAIN problem. You have to pay attention to what is going on ALL the time, and raise your voice - and maybe even participate. I go to city council meetings. I look and read the long term municipal plans and get loud when I see bad avoidable mistakes. I don't go to school board meetings anymore, but parents around me do. Get involved! Buy into it.

  8. Anyway, the arky sparky - looks like something started that, and they were right there filming besides. Once the arc starts it will continue until the power is removed or the conductors are vaporized.
