Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The Perfect Perch



  1. Until the plane hits a pocket of turbulence.

    1. You're wearing a gunners belt but that is one heck of a neat ride!

  2. Flew over the Golden Gate bridge at night in USCG C-130 out of Sacrame to

    1. When were you in Sacto? I came from San Fran with the fixed wing and left in March of 1980.
      If I could have done more flying with the back door open I might have stayed with the herks.

    2. Rob, i arrived fall of 1980 right before the HU-16s departed. Never got to fly on one. I was in the AT shop. They had just finished doing Hanger Build Up

    3. I was the flt mech on the last goat, we took it to E-city.

  3. Sacramento standing about 5' from that edge. One of the great memories of my life.

  4. I flew from Dac To to Phu Cat, RVN, in 1968,. A beautiful way to see the country!

    1. I flew over eastern Saudi Arabia in the back of an MH-53. not nearly as fast, not as beautiful (terrain very sandy) but the highlight of my time over there.
      Doctor Weasel

  5. Hey Weasel still in Texas? Tom here.

  6. I was Ground Radio is the 5th Combat Comm Group, when I flew is was in sling web seats on a C-141. It was a long flight, from Warner Robins GA to Fairbanks AK. They had us crammed in there like anchovies, if you wanted to move your feet you had to get the people around you to move theirs too. It was loud, cold, and the honeypot set up behind a tarp was the only convenience provided.

  7. C-5 Galaxy Flight Engineer, SOLL II. 10k AGL back ramp, airdrop config watching night HALO jumpers. Then transition to 1k AGL to depart DZ under NOGs. Stupid dangerous fun
    Wandering Neurons

  8. Only 13 years old! A very young herky bird!

    I have always thought the bombardier's seat on a B-17 would be the ultimate view.

  9. Way back in 1983, I was on the USS Carl Vinson during her 'round the world cruise" after she was commissioned. As ship's company but still on flight orders, I had to hitch rides with whoever I could to keep my flight hours up. Took a flight with a C-2 COD crew while we were cruising around the Indian Ocean and the loadmaster and I sat on the ramp just like this as we climbed out after the cat shot. Beautiful view on a cloudless day. Deep blue ocean from horizon to horizon. It didn't get any better than that.
