Monday, November 7, 2022

Sprats are where it's at

 The Riga Gold sprats arrived today, and I popped one can after work.  The Latvians do not scrimp on their fish.  Packed is right.

Gorgeous little tasties.  I mixed some tomato sauce in and that's good too.

They look like this.


  1. It appears that this sort of product is Latvia's number one export. I personally appreciate these sorts of canned fish. I'm coveting a jar of Riga Gold bristling sardines at my office stash. Right next to my home canned albacore half pint. Grandson catches the Albacore, my wife cans, it, and I pay all the costs, and eat it.

  2. Thank you, now I don't have to try 'em.

  3. Was it a good buy, and will you do it again?
    I likes me sum canned fishes.
    Those look too oily, so I probably dump them in a strainer for a bit.
    In general, I like the flavor of the feesh and don't mix them with anything else.
    Sometimes mustard sardines are good though.
    Lately I've been tearing up Kipper Snacks. They have a nice smoky flavor.

    1. They were a bit less fishy than the sardines I'm used to, but they were nicely packed and very good. I'm with you on draining the oil off first. They would be good de-oiled, arranged on a plate with a variety of sauces or other stuff to eat them with. Or, a selection of other canned fishes. Experimentation continues....

    2. He sed, "A selection of other canned fishes.", Now why didn't I think of that? I have a variety but have never opened more than one can at a time. Gonna change that immediately.

  4. Word of warning: my wife leaves the room if I open a can of Sprats as the aroma is rather strong. The Wild Planet brand is not near as strong as IMHO the superior Riga Gold brand, however.

    I have been eating Sprats since a child as well as pickled Ham Hocks, Wine Herring, and Herring in Sour Cream. All are a delight.

    Dan Kurt


    A friend gave me a case of fish steaks canned over in New Brunswick.
    They were about12 hours old.
    The flavor was fabulous but degraded the longer I had them to the point that I threw out the last three cans.
    I figured that the quality would stay the same after canning, but no.
