Saturday, November 12, 2022

No doubt.



  1. Aw yes, after playing ball in the park, a nice cool drink was heavenly.

  2. A long time ago in a different universe….

    We had an old artesian well in the neighborhood. The spigot was next to a stone wall. It has no shut-off and thus flowed constantly. People came from miles around to fill buckets with the pure, chemical-less aqua vita and in between fills us 10 year old guys with our JC Higgins bikes propped against the way lay under it with the water pouring into our mouths.

  3. We drank from a hose where'd ya hafta wait a good 2 minutes of water flow until ya got to the good water..
    What ya can't see can't hurt ya was sound medical advice.

  4. I played in the dirt, caught worms and frogs, petted strange dogs, went swimming in gravel pits and chalk mines, and rode my bike over most of the county. Being a free range kid was great.

  5. We used a shallow well hand pump. In a graveyard.

  6. 1959 Hickam AFB Hawaii. My other 6year chums & I thought it great fun to run in the fog of the mosquito abatement jeep/trailer. G.I.s finally gave up trying to wave us off. I'm waiting for darpa to come do a blood draw one day.
