Saturday, November 5, 2022

New razor. Now, to the strop to put an edge on it I'm happy with.



  1. Nice blade. Be careful and I hope you enjoy it.

  2. I have traumatic childhood memories of the razor strop.

  3. 99.999% of everything one buys is ready to use right out of the box. Knives and razors, not so much. I've only purchased one knife, out of the dozen+ that I have, that didn't require sharpening before I would use it. I'm not talking just a honing either. Most required the edge to be reground to a steeper angle, then honed.


  4. The etching on the blade is outstanding. It's a shame that items such as that are rarely made today except for specialty purchase, when it previously was an everyday product.

    1. There are few artisan makers, but the price is high. The alternative is something like this, as there are lots of used ones out there, often in great shape, for reasonable money. And, I'm a sucker for a great etch like this one.
